ethical hacking books
Beginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux Download PDF
You can get started in white-hat ethical hacking using Kali Linux, and this book starts you on that road by giving you an overview of security trends, where you will learn about the OSI security architecture. This will form the foundation for the rest of Beginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux.With the theory out of the way, you’ll move on to an introduction to VirtualBox, networking terminologies, and common Linux commands, followed by the step-by-step procedures to build your own web server and acquire the skill to be anonymous. When you have finished the examples in the first part of your book, you will have all you need to carry out safe
and ethical hacking experiments.
After an introduction to Kali Linux, you will carry out your first penetration tests with Python and code raw binary packets for use in those tests. You will learn how to find secret directories of a target system, how to
use a TCP client in Python and services, and how to do port scanning using Nmap. Along the way, you will learn how to collect important information; how to track e-mail; and how to use important tools such as DMitry, Maltego, and others. You’ll also take a look at the five phases of penetration
After that, this book will cover SQL mapping and vulnerability analysis where you will learn about sniffing and spoofing, why ARP poisoning is a threat, how SniffJoke prevents poisoning, how to analyze protocols with Wireshark, and how to use sniffing packets with Scapy. Then, you will learn how to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities, how to use Sqlmap, and how to do brute-force or password attacks. In addition, you will learn how to use important hacking tools such as OpenVas, Nikto, Vega, and Burp Suite.
The book will also explain the information assurance model and the hacking framework Metasploit, taking you through important commands, exploits, and payload basics. Moving on to hashes and passwords, you will learn password testing and hacking techniques with John the Ripper and Rainbow. You will then dive into classic and modern encryption techniques where you will learn to work with the conventional cryptosystem.
In the final chapter, you will use all the skills of hacking to exploit a remote Windows and Linux system, and you will learn how to “own” a remote target entirely.
About the Author
Sanjib Sinha is a certified .NET Windows and web developer, specializing in Python, security programming, and PHP; he won Microsoft’s Community Contributor Award in 2011. Sanjib Sinha has also written Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python and Beginning Laravel for Apress.Download Book
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