Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook (PDF)


The goal of this book is to help produce more highly skilled security professionals
who are dedicated to protecting against malicious hacking activity. It has been proven over and over again that it is important to understand one’s enemies, including their tactics, skills, tools, and motivations. Corporations and nations have enemies that are very dedicated and talented. We must work together to understand the enemies’ processes and procedures to ensure that we can properly thwart their destructive and malicious behavior.

The authors of this book want to provide the readers with something we believe the
industry needs: a holistic review of ethical hacking that is responsible and truly ethical in its intentions and material. This is why we are starting this book with a clear definition of what ethical hacking is and is not—something society is very confused about.

We have updated the material from the first and second editions and have attempted to deliver the most comprehensive and up to-date assembly of techniques, procedures, and material. Nine new chapters are presented and the other chapters have been updated.

About The Authors 

Allen Harper, CISSP, PCI QSA, is the president and owner of N2NetSecurity, Inc. in North Carolina. He retired from the Marine Corps after 20 years and a tour in Iraq. Additionally, he has served as a security analyst for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, and Computer Security Incident Response Center (IRS CSIRC). He regularly speaks and teaches at conferences such as Black Hat and Techno.

Shon Harris, CISSP, is the president of Logical Security, an author, educator, and security consultant. She is a former engineer of the U.S. Air Force Information Warfare unit and has published several books and articles on different disciplines within information security. Shon was also recognized as one of the top 25 women in information security by Information Security Magazine.

Jonathan Ness, CHFI, is a lead software security engineer in Microsoft’s Security
Response Center (MSRC). He and his coworkers ensure that Microsoft’s security updates comprehensively address reported vulnerabilities. He also leads the technical response of Microsoft’s incident response process that is engaged to address publicly disclosed vulnerabilities and exploits targeting Microsoft software. He serves one weekend each month as a security engineer in a reserve military unit.

Chris Eagle is a senior lecturer in the Computer Science Department at the Naval Post-graduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. A computer engineer/scientist for 25 years, his research interests include computer network attack and defense, computer forensics, and reverse/anti-reverse engineering. He can often be found teaching at Black Hat or spending late nights working on capture the flag at Defcon.

Gideon Lenkey, CISSP, is the president and co-founder of Ra Security Systems, Inc., a New Jersey–based managed services company, where he specializes in testing the information security posture of enterprise IT infrastructures. He has provided advanced training to the FBI and served as the president of the FBI’s InfraGard program in New Jersey. He has been recognized on multiple occasions by FBI director Robert Muller for his contributions and is frequently consulted by both foreign and domestic government agencies. Gideon is a regular contributor to the Internet Evolution website and a participant in the EastWest Institute’s Cybersecurity initiative.

Terron Williams, NSA IAM-IEM, CEH, CSSLP, works for Elster Electricity as a Senior Test Engineer, with a primary focus on smart grid security. He formerly worked at Nortel as a Security Test Engineer and VoIP System Integration Engineer. Terron has served on the editorial board for Hakin9 IT Security Magazine and has authored articles for it. His interests are in VoIP, exploit research, SCADA security, and emerging smart grid technologies.

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