ethical hacking books
The Basics of Web Hacking PDF
Many of us rely on web applications for so many of our daily tasks, whether at work, at home, or at play, and we access them several times a day from our laptops, tablets, phones, and other devices. We use these web applications to shop, bank, pay bills, aĴend online meetings, social network with friends and family, and countless other tasks. The problem is that web applications aren’t as secure as we’d like to think, and most of the time the aĴacks used to gain access to a web application are relatively straightforward and simple. I n fact, anyone can use widely available hacking tools to perform these devastating web attacks.This book will teach you how to hack web applications and what you can do to prevent these aĴacks. It will walk you through the theory, tools, and techniques used to identify and exploit the most damaging web vulnerabilities present in current web applications. This means you will be able to make a web application perform actions it was never intended to perform, such as retrieve sensitive information from a database, bypass the login page, and assume the identity of other users. You’ll learn how to select a target, how to perform an aĴack, what tools are needed and how to use them, and how to protect against these attacks.
About This Book
This book is designed to teach you the fundamentals of web hacking from the ground up. It’s for those of you interested in geĴing started with web hacking but haven’t found a good resource. Basically, if you’re a web hacking newbie, this is the book for you! This book assumes you have no previous knowledge related to web hacking. Perhaps you have tinkered around with some of the tools, but you don’t fully understand how or where they fit into the larger picture of web hacking.Top web hacking experts have a firm grasp on programming, cryptography, bug hunting, exploitation development, database layout, data extraction, how network traffic works, and much more. If you don’t have these skills, don’t be discouraged! These knowledge and skills are accumulated over the course of a career, and if you’re just geĴing started with web hacking, you probably won’t have all of these skills. This book will teach you the theory, tools, and techniques behind some of the most damaging web aĴacks present in modern web applications. You will gain not only knowledge and skill but also confidence to transition to even more complex web hacking in the future.
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